Using the Object Model to Access Groups

Currently, the object model only supports creating a group and adding members to it. If you need to remove members from a group or remove the group itself, you can use the native Softimage commands:


Don't forget that if you use object pointers when working with the native Softimage commands, you can mix many of the object model functions and the native Softimage commands seamlessly. The examples of using the groups commands demonstrate how to use object pointers.

To create a group with the object model

' Set my workspace
Set oRoot = ActiveProject.ActiveScene.Root

' Create a new model called "MyModel"
Set oModel = oRoot.AddNull( "MyModel" )

' Create a new polymesh sphere called "MySphere"
Set oSphere = oRoot.AddGeometry( "Sphere", _
	"MeshSurface", "MySphere" )

' Create a new group containing the sphere
Set oGroup = oRoot.AddGroup( oSphere, "MyGroup" )

' Print the names of the group members
LogMessage oGroup & " contains... " 
For Each o In oGroup.Members
   LogMessage o.Name

To add items to a group with the object model

' Create a torus called "MyTorus"
Set oTorus = oRoot.AddGeometry( "Torus", _
   "MeshSurface", "MyTorus" )

' Add it to the group
Set oGroup = oGroup.AddMember( oTorus )