Accessing Texture UVs

Some aspects of using textures have not been implemented in the object model yet. For that reason, the only example in this section concerns using both the object model and the native Softimage commands in the same code.

Example: adding texture support and printing the coordinates of the uv points

This code demonstrates how to create a cube and add a UV texture support to it so that it can print the coordinates for the texture UV points:

Set oRoot = Application.ActiveProject.ActiveScene.Root
Set oObject = oRoot.AddGeometry( "Cube", "MeshSurface" )

BlendInPresets "Image", oObject, 1, False
CreateTextureSupport oObject, siTxtUV, siTxtDefaultSpherical, "Texture_Support"

Set oUVWProp = oObject.Material.CurrentUV

' Output uv text coords
aUVW = oUVWProp.Elements.Array

For iIndex = 0 to oUVWProp.elements.count-1
	LogMessage "UV(" & aUVW(0,iIndex) & "," &  aUVW(1,iIndex) & ")" 