Manipulation Mode Values

Possible bitfield values for getting or setting the Manipulation Mode (sometimes called transformation referential mode) through these scripting commands:





Major Manipulation Mode


Global mode. Use the scene's global axes to perform translation or rotation.


Local mode. Use the axes of the object's local coordinate system as defined by its center to perform translation, rotation, or scaling.


This is the only major manipulation mode supported for scaling.


By Reference mode. Use the X, Y, and Z axes of another element or an arbitrary reference plane to perform translation, rotation, or scaling.


View mode. For translations, use the viewing plane of the active 3D view. For rotations, use an axis perpendicular to the viewing plane of the active 3D view.


Depth of Field mode. Manipulation is performed in Depth of Field.


Object Parent mode. Use the axes of the object's parent to perform translation or rotation.


Plane mode. For translations, lets you drag an object along the XZ plane of another element or an arbitrary reference plane. For rotations, lets you rotate an object using an axis (by default, Y) of another element or an arbitrary reference plane.


Center Pivot mode. If there is no center pivot, this is the same as Object Parent mode (0x06).

0x0F (15)

Major manipulation mode mask.

Manipulation Modifier Flag

1<<4 (16)

Center of Geometry. Use the center of geometry (the average position of all points) for translation (affects snapping with multiple objects), rotation (pivot position), and scaling.

1<<5 (32)

Relative Grid Snap. Activates snapping to grid (allows you to define a global coordinate grid and a camera viewing plane, as well as any arbitrary reference planes for snapping).

1<<6 (64)

Additive Rotation. Controls the object's local X, Y, and Z rotations as stored relative to its parent. This is especially useful when animating bones and other objects in hierarchies.

1<<7 (128)

Absolute Snap. Activates aboslute snapping (compare with Relative Grid Snap).

1<<8 (256)

Uniform Scale. Scales along all active local axes at the same time with a single mouse button.

1<<9 (512)

View Reference. Activates view reference mode.

1<<10 (1024)

Volume Scale. Scales along one or two local axes, while automatically compensating the other axes so that the volume of the object's bounding box remains constant.

1<<11 (2048)

Symmetry. Activates symmetrical manipulation.

1<<12 (4096)

Last bit.