Check Box

Check Boxes display a standard check box (a small sunken square which, when selected, displays a check mark) with an optional animation divot and an optional label. They are associated to an underlying Boolean parameter.

You create them using the PPGLayout.AddItem or PPGLayout::AddItem method (by default, the control uses siControlBoolean control type enum for underlying boolean parameters):

oCustomProperty.AddParameter3( "Activate", siBool, true );
// since you set up the underlying parameter with the siBool data type, you don't
// need to explicitly specify the siControlBoolean value when you create the control
oLayout.AddItem( "Activate" );

The user can toggle the check mark in the box which automatically changes the underlying parameter, but you can also dynamically change the value through Logic (see Dynamically Changing Custom Properties).

The following item attributes are available:

Available on all Controls also as a property on the PPGItem object:

Common to many Controls: