Registration Example

This example demonstrates how to define and register an ICENode with two input ports and two output ports:

#include <xsi_application.h>
#include <xsi_mdnodecontext.h>
#include <xsi_mdnodedef.h>
#include <xsi_pluginregistrar.h>
#include <xsi_status.h>
#include <xsi_factory.h>
#include <xsi_math.h>
#include <xsi_vector3f.h> 
#include <xsi_indexset.h> 
#include <xsi_dataarray.h>

using namespace XSI; 
using namespace MATH; 

// user defined IDs
enum IDs
	// groups

	// ports
	IdPort_InPos = 100,

	// maps
	typemapid = 200,

	UndefinedID = ULONG_MAX

XSIPLUGINCALLBACK CStatus XSILoadPlugin( PluginRegistrar& in_reg )
	in_reg.PutName(L"ICENode registration sample plugin");

	Application app ;

	// Creates an ICENodeDef object from the factory
	Factory factory = app.GetFactory();
	ICENodeDef nodeOpDef = Application().GetFactory().CreateICENodeDef( in_name );

	// Set the threading model to multi-threading (default)
	CStatus st;
	st = nodeOpDef.PutThreadingModel( siICENodeMultiThreading );
	st.AssertSucceeded( ) ;

	// Create the input port
	st = nodeOpDef.AddPortGroup( IdGr_In );
	st.AssertSucceeded( ) ;

	// Create the input port of type Vector3f per vertex
	siICENodeDataType nDataType = siICENodeDataVector3;
	siICENodeStructureType nStructType = siICENodePortStructureSingle;
	siICENodeContextType nContextType = siICENodeEvaluationContextComponent0D;

	// constraint maps are not used for data and structure types, set them with the default ID
	IDs typemapValue = UndefinedID;
	IDs structmapValue = UndefinedID
	IDs contextmapValue = contextmapid;

	st = nodeOpDef.AddInputPort( 
		IdPort_InPos, // input port index 
		IdGr_In, // index of group to add port to
		nDataType, // data type for port
		nStructType, // structure type for port
		nContextType, // context type for port
		L"vector", // port name
		L"vector", // port scripting name
		MATH::CVector3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), // default value
		typemapValue, // data type constraint
		structmapValue, // structure type constraint
		contextmapValue			// context type constraint
	st.AssertSucceeded( ) ;

	// Create the input port of type Long with a 'wildcard' context
	nDataType = siICENodePortDataLong;
	nStructType = siICENodePortStructureSingle;
	nContextType = siICENodeEvaluationContextAny;

	st = nodeOpDef.AddInputPort( 
		IdPort_InValue, // input port index 
		IdGr_In, // index of group to add port to
		nDataType, // data type for port
		nStructType, // structure type for port
		nContextType, // context type for port
		L"InValue", // port name
		L"InValue", // port scripting name
		55L, // default value
		typemapValue, // data type constraint
		structmapValue, // structure type constraint
		contextmapValue		// context type constraint
	st.AssertSucceeded( ) ;

	// Create 2 float output ports
	nDataType = siICENodePortDataFloat;

	// Note: IdPort_InPos and IdPort_inValue are context constrained by the output ports, 
	// if one of the output port context is set to siICENodeContextSingleton at 
	// connection time, these ports will also be set to siICENodeContextSingleton 
	// (and vice-versa)

	st = nodeOpDef.AddOutputPort( 
		IdPort_OutX, // output port index 
		nDataType, // data type for port
		nStructType, // structure type for port
		nContextType, // context type for port
		L"x", // port name
		L"x", // port scripting name
		typemapValue, // data type constraint
		structmapValue, // structure type constraint
		contextmapValue		// context type constraint
	st.AssertSucceeded( ) ;

	st = nodeOpDef.AddOutputPort( 
		IdPort_OutY, // output port index 
		nDataType, // data type for port
		nStructType, // structure type for port
		nContextType, // context type for port
		L"y", // port name
		L"y", // port scripting name
		typemapValue, // data type constraint
		structmapValue, // structure type constraint
		contextmapValue		// context type constraint
	st.AssertSucceeded( ) ;

	// Register the new ICENode and add it to the Custom ICENode category
	PluginItem nodeItem = in_reg.RegisterICENode(nodeOpDef);
	nodeItem.PutCategories(L"Custom ICENode Sample");

	return CStatus::OK;