Hosted Session


Hosted sessions can be conducted between two machines on an IPv6 network. If using the hostname, ensure the hostname is valid on both networks. Alternatively, the full IPv6 address (e.g. fe80::211:25ff:fe74:0a0f:c955) can be specified in the "Host Machine Name" when joining a hosted session.

Special note for Windows XP users:

Windows XP users need to set the IPv6 Zone ID when specifying the IPv6 address when joining a session. For example, in the address fe80::211:25ff:fe74:0a0f:c955%4, the Zone ID is "%4" at the end of the IPv6 address. The IPv6 address with the Zone ID can be found by running ipconfig /all in a command prompt on the host. Look for "Local Area Connection " and use this address including the Zone ID.