Moving Around the Scene


Moving around the scene is an activity performed by end-users to examine their models and to prepare for generating a presentation. Whether it is "local" to the running Showcase application or interacting with it from a remote UI, your add-in can mimic and customize this behavior.

The first of the sample add-ins in this section,, makes it easier to navigate a complex scene by making visible the "walk zone" visible. The walk zone, also commonly known in industry literature as a navigation mesh, determines how the Showcase camera can move through a scene, and thus delimits the possibilities of presentations or movies generated from a scene. For example, the walk zone determines which objects are taken into account in a scene, and which are ignored. By making the walk zone visible, you can fine-tune the presentation.

The second sample add-in,, demonstrates how to manipulate the scene camera from an add-in. It adds items to a Showcase menu for "nudging" the camera left and right, but could just as easily be adapted to manipulate the camera in other ways — from a remote UI, for example.

The third sample add-in, demonstrates advanced scene navigation using the walk zone navigation mesh.

Workflow, Samples and Tools

Workflow Related samples and tools Details
Displaying navigable areas Python:
Adds menu items to make the walk zone and navigation graph visible to the human eye.
Moving the camera Python:
Adds items to View menu to nudge camera left and right.

Also registers a custom message with the message interpreter.

Moving through a scene Python:
Adds items to the View menu (with hotkeys) to move the camera in the X/Y/Z directions.

Demonstrates collision avoidance and advanced navigation (e.g. doorways and stairs/inclines).

Recommended for use with the sample scene Simple_Scene5.a3s.