Documenting Messages


The Showcase SDK provides a mechanism for publishing message documentation. To document messages, use the following format:

from MessageRegistry import theMessageRegistry

The command documentation overview.
"""    ),
[[("first argument"),("first argument details")],
 [("second argument"),("second argument details")]

# MessageRegistry.MessageRegistry.register() arguments:
#   "CUSTOM_MESSAGE_ID" - The name given to the custom message.
#   dataFormatTuple     - The format of the arguments of the message, for example: (float, str,).
#   properties          - An integer value specifying the message properties.
#                         May be any (or a bitwise combination of) the following:
#                            Message.kBroadcastable
#                            Message.kInternal
#                            Message.kUndoable
#   TEMPLATE_Doc        - The documentation string defined above.
theMessageRegistry.register("CUSTOM_MESSAGE_ID", dataFormatTuple, properties, TEMPLATE_Doc)

When the add-in is loaded, the message documentation will appear in the help that displays when you select Help > Autodesk Showcase 2012 Messages Reference.