Classes | Typedefs

awInput Namespace Reference


class   CloudEventHandler
  This is a simple singleton class whose purpose is to install a callback into the Cloud service manager to be notified when the use is logged in or out of their cloud account. More...
class   Event
  An Event describes the change of state of the "input device". More...
class   EventDispatcher
  EventDispatcher dispatches a given event to the list of EventHandlers that it contains. More...
class   EventHandler
  EventHandler is a base class from which all event handlers should derive. More...
class   EventQueueClient
class   EventQueue
class   KeyboardState
  This class describes the keyboard state - the modifiers and buttons combination. More...


typedef awUtil::BitField256  EventButtonState
typedef awUtil::BitField256  ModifierState
typedef aw::Reference< Event EventRef
typedef aw::list< EventHandlerRef EventHandlerList
typedef aw::Reference
< EventHandler
typedef aw::vector< EventRef EventList

Typedef Documentation

typedef aw::Reference<Event> EventRef
typedef aw::list<EventHandlerRef> EventHandlerList
typedef aw::Reference<EventHandler> EventHandlerRef
typedef aw::vector<EventRef> EventList