SnapperSettings Class Reference

#include <Snapper.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

  SnapperSettings ()
void  setDensity (const DensityUnit unit, const int density)
void  getDensity (DensityUnit &unit, int &density) const
void  setBackgroundColor (const double r, const double g, const double b, const double a)
void  getBackgroundColor (double *r, double *g, double *b, double *a) const
void  setDrawSelectionHighlighting (const bool highlight)
bool  getDrawSelectionHighlighting () const
void  setSwizzle (const bool swizzle)
  A Boolean flag to indicate that we need to swizzle color from renderer specific format to RGBA format.
bool  getSwizzle () const
void  setDisableToneMapping (const bool disable)
  A flag used to explicitly disable use of tone mapping in the snapshot.
bool  getDisableToneMapping () const
void  setSoftAntiAlias (const awSupport::RenderSWAALevel level)
awSupport::RenderSWAALevel  getSoftAntiAlias () const

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Member Function Documentation

void setDensity ( const DensityUnit  unit,
const int  density 
void getDensity ( DensityUnit unit,
int &  density 
) const
void setBackgroundColor ( const double  r,
const double  g,
const double  b,
const double  a 
void getBackgroundColor ( double *  r,
double *  g,
double *  b,
double *  a 
) const
void setDrawSelectionHighlighting ( const bool  highlight )
bool getDrawSelectionHighlighting ( ) const
void setSwizzle ( const bool  swizzle )

A Boolean flag to indicate that we need to swizzle color from renderer specific format to RGBA format.

bool getSwizzle ( ) const
void setDisableToneMapping ( const bool  disable )

A flag used to explicitly disable use of tone mapping in the snapshot.

When set to true tone mapping is disabled, when set to false the snapper use the settings from the main view port for non-HDR snapshots and disable tone mapping for HDR snapshots. The default value is false, allow tone mapping when applicable.

bool getDisableToneMapping ( ) const
void setSoftAntiAlias ( const awSupport::RenderSWAALevel  level )

SnapperSettings SnapperSettings SnapperSettings SnapperSettings SnapperSettings SnapperSettings SnapperSettings SnapperSettings SnapperSettings SnapperSettings
SnapperSettings SnapperSettings SnapperSettings SnapperSettings SnapperSettings SnapperSettings SnapperSettings SnapperSettings SnapperSettings SnapperSettings