When working with Inventor, follow these guidelines for best interoperability with Showcase:
- Autodesk Inventor constraints are transformed as Showcase behaviors. Multiple constraints per Inventor file can be imported
into Showcase. The chosen constraints must match the values specified in Showcase Import Settings, in the Animation panel
for Inventor files. To open Import Settings, click .
- In Inventor, unsuppress everything you want to see in Showcase—especially constraints.
- Make sure that all referenced items can be found by Showcase. One way to do this is to use the Inventor Pack and Go feature
to bundle all related items together, then import the Inventor model into Showcase.
- Inventor design view representations and positional representations are supported.
- Private representations (Inventor 2011 and later), level of detail representations, and assembly level cuts are not supported
in Showcase.
- Sub-assembly material overrides are not supported; in other words, if you have an assembly and override the materials in the
assembly, the materials will come in to Showcase. However, if the same assembly is added to another assembly (making it a
sub-assembly), those overrides will be lost.
- If you import from Inventor, change the material in Showcase, go back to Inventor and modify the geometry, and then update
in Showcase, there may be issues with the updated geometry in Showcase.