Import from other scenes


You may want to import models, accent lights, materials, alternatives or shots from other scenes to:

To import another scene:


To import scene files, you can drag them from Windows Explorer or the desktop directly onto the Autodesk Showcase window.

  1. Select File > Import > Import from Scene.
  2. Click Settings to open the Scene tab of the Import Settings window. These settings determine what will be imported from your scene. See About Scene import settings reference.
  3. Browse to and click on the A3S scene file you want to import into the scene.

    To import multiple scenes, hold down the Shift key and select all the scenes.

  4. Click Import to add the selected items to your scene.

    If you have moved or rotated (transformed) other models in the scene, you can select an object that is already in the desired position and copy its transform (Edit > Transform > Copy Transform). You can then select the object to be transformed and paste this transform onto it to move it to the same relative position (Edit > Transform > Paste Transform).