Create an HDR Light Studio environment


This feature is only available in the Professional version of Showcase, and only as of the 2013 R1 release.

You can use HDR Light Studio to create lighting environments in Showcase.


HDR Light Studio 4, available from


Once HDR Light Studio is installed, it will be detected the next time you start Showcase Professional.

Using HDR Light Studio

To use HDR Light Studio in Showcase Professional:

  1. From the Lighting Environments interface, click Create and select HDR Light Studio Lighting with Infinite (or Geometry) Background.
  2. Use the HDR Light Studio window to create your lighting environment. Consult the HDR Light Studio help if necessary.
  3. Render the lighting environment by clicking Render High Resolution Image in the Lighting Environment Properties window.

While you are making changes to a lighting environment with HDR Light Studio, it displays in low resolution to enhance performance. This is indicated by a red icon on the lighting environment thumbnail . Once you render the lighting environment to a high resolution version, the icon changes to gray .

You may want to convert your new lighting environment to a standard lighting environment that other Showcase users can use without having the Professional version of Showcase or HDR Light Studio. To do this, right-click the lighting environment thumbnail and select Duplicate and Bake. A copy of the environment is created under Environments in Scene.

HDR light Studio environment creation is not supported: