Assign materials to objects to change the look of your model. Before you assign materials, consider replacing any imported materials with Autodesk Showcase materials. See Replace materials.
Materials in this Scene are shown at the top, and material libraries are shown below.
If you cannot select objects or view the Materials interface, press Tab to change to edit mode. (For more information, see Select objects.)
The material you choose is assigned to the selected objects.
Copy assigned materials to other parts of the model
(You can select any number of objects by holding down the Shift key.)
Assign a material that is currently in the scene
The list indicates which materials are currently assigned in the scene, which materials are included in alternatives, and which materials are locked because they were imported with the model files.
If a material in the scene is edited by right-clicking the swatch and choosing Properties, those edits will be reflected in all objects with that material applied. However, if the Material Properties window for a selected object is used, it will create a copy of the material with those edits in the Materials In This Scene.
For more information on how to use this list, see Work with materials used in the scene.