Import models using the File menu

Import model files

Autodesk recommends using the Open/Create Scene dialog box to import your models with templates, as described in Use templates to import files and create a scene (especially if you are a new to Showcase). As an alternative workflow, this topic describes how to import models from the Showcase File menu. (You can also drag model files from Windows Explorer directly onto the Autodesk Showcase window to import them.)

  1. Select File > Import > Import Models.

    The Import Models window appears. (This may take a few seconds the first time you import a model, because the translator service must start up.)

  2. Select the type of model file you want to import from the Files of type pull-down.

    (To view all the model files you can possibly import into Autodesk Showcase, select Model Files from this list.)

  3. Browse to and select the model files you’ve prepared.

    (You can select multiple files by holding down the Ctrl key. Select a group of files next to each other by holding down the Shift key.)

  4. Click Open.

    The conversion process will take some time. When it is finished, the models appear in the Autodesk Showcase window.

  5. If you selected an FBX file to import, the Import FBX File dialog box opens. See Import FBX files.

View APF Conversion Status

When you are importing model files, they are first converted to APF files. To view the status of this conversion process:

  1. Check the Open the Import Status window check box in the Convert Imported Models window to open the Import Status window automatically.

    To open the window at any time, select File > Import > Import Status Window (or pressI).

    The Import Status window lists each model file you have imported, the source units, its conversion settings, its status, and the APF files that were created. It also indicates the load status of the model file as it is loaded into the Autodesk Showcase window.

    Autodesk recommends leaving source units unchanged. If you change them, this scales the model, and some parts of the model may become incorrectly positioned. Scale the model in Showcase or in the original modeling software, rather than by changing the units setting in the Import Status dialog box.


    If you change a model in its original software, not through Autodesk Showcase, its new status may not be reflected immediately in the Import Status window. To see the latest updates, close and re-open the window.

  2. To sort the window entries by column, click on the heading for that column.

    To reverse the column order, click on the column heading again. (An arrow shows whether the column entries are in forward or reverse order.)


Import additional model files

  1. Select File > Import > Import Status Window.
  2. Click on the Import Models button

    Continue to import additional files as documented in the first task of this topic.

Import Maya files into Autodesk Showcase

To create APF files from Maya geometry for import into Autodesk Showcase, Autodesk recommend that you use the Maya APF plug-in (AutodeskPacketFile.mll) with Maya 2009 or later. For more information on how to load this plug-in, see Enhance the APF model in Maya.

See Also