Recommended FBX workflow
  1. Set up and optimize the scene. Consider what objects will be animated and create appropriate groups of multiple objects.

    If multiple objects have the same material and transforms, consider Combining them to increase playback performance. See Optimize hardware rendering for quality for more information.

  2. Create alternatives and storyboard slides.

    Some objects to be animated may be part of alternatives, and animations can be triggered from Storyboard slides.

  3. Select the objects to be animated by a single behavior.
  4. Choose Select > Isolate Selected to hide all other objects in the scene.
  5. Select File > Export As and select the FBX file format to send the currently visible objects to an animation package for 3D reference. For more information, see Export As....
  6. Import the FBX into 3D animation software as reference geometry.

    The options available for FBX import will vary based on the animation application used. Autodesk Maya and Autodesk 3DStudio Max have robust and complete FBX support and are recommended for this work.

  7. In the animation software, animate the imported reference geometry with node-based, rigid animation.

    Simple keyframed transformations such as translate, rotate, and scale are supported, as well as baked animations derived from Inverse Kinematics, Dynamics, or other node-based animation methods.

    Per-vertex and deformation animations are not supported.

  8. In the animation software, preview and test the animation using the imported reference geometry and a seconds-based timeline.

    Not all scene animation needs to be created and exported at the same time. Multiple animation behaviors can be created and each behavior will have its own playback controls, but behaviors can be linked to play concurrently or added to slides to create complex presentations.

    In the animation software, export the selected object animations as FBX with the following conditions:
    • Export Animation Only.
    • Z-up World Coordinate Axis.
    • Bake Complex Animations (if not already baked)
    The export dialog box and supported features for FBX export will vary between animation packages. The FBX export dialog box for Maya 2008 is similar to the following:
See Also