Turns the stencil on or off.
Displays a thumbnail of the loaded stencil image.
Displays the file path for the loaded stencil image. You can load a stencil image by selecting an image on the tray, clicking the button or clicking the icon
in the .
Opens a file browser for loading a stencil image into the active camera.
Specifies the , and values for the stencil, letting you change the position and scale of the stencil in the . Rotation occurs only within the camera viewing plane.
Inverts the values of the stencil image.
When on, hides the stencil as you sculpt.
Flips the stencil along its X axis.
Flips the stencil along its Y axis.
Repeats the stencil image in X and Y screen space to fill the .
Toggles the display of the tiled stencil image in .
Toggles the display of the stencil image. Affects only the display, with no impact on the strength of the stencil.
Controls the strength of the stencil.
Offsets the stencil deformation relative to the surface of the model. The higher the number, the more vertices are raised
and pulled out. The lower the number, the more they are pushed in. Set to the middle value (.5), brushing over black pixels
pushes vertices down, and brushing over white pixels pulls vertices out.
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