Several sources of information are available for MotionBuilder SDK users, including the Autodesk MotionBuilder website, the MotionBuilder SDK Programmer's Guide, the C++ Reference, the Python Reference, the Autodesk Developer Network, and the AREA discussion forums.
MotionBuilder SDK Programmer's Guide
The document you are currently reading is the MotionBuilder SDK Programmer's Guide. Its purpose is to get you familiar with key concepts in the MotionBuilder SDK. Its topics point you towards insightful Sample Programs and relevant documentation within the MotionBuilder SDK C++ and Python Reference Guides.
The C++ Reference contains the API documentation for the Open Reality SDK. It includes descriptions and parameters for the API's classes, member functions, enums, etc.
OR SDK sample code is located in the following directory:
<MotionBuilder Installation Directory>/OpenRealitySDK/Samples
The Python Reference contains the API documentation for the pyfbsdk Python module. It includes descriptions and parameters for the API's classes, methods, etc.
MotionBuilder Python sample code is located in the following directory:
<MotionBuilder Installation Directory>/bin/config/Scripts <MotionBuilder Installation Directory>/PythonScripting/Samples
External Resources and Tutorials provides a wealth of information about the Python programming language:
Several Python books are also available:
Consult the following user-created MotionBuilder Python tutorials for additional insight into the functionality of the MotionBuilder SDK.
Technical support for the MotionBuilder SDK is provided through the Autodesk Developer Network (ADN). The ADN program is based on an annual membership fee. Program details, benefits, and pricing are found on the Autodesk Developer Center web page.
The Autodesk MotionBuilder AREA forums provide a convenient hub for Autodesk users to discuss their ideas and solutions.
The C++ discussion forum can be found here:
The Python discussion forum can be found here:
The MotionBuilder Development Team
If you encounter an issue with MotionBuilder or a problem causes the application to crash, you can submit a defect report at
The MotionBuilder Development team also welcomes your suggestions at