Sample |
Description |
tool_template |
Tool template. |
toolaudio |
Shows how to make an audio tool. |
toolbatch |
Plot multiple motion files on one character. |
toolcharacter |
Go through the steps for plotting motion data to a character. |
toolcluster |
Cluster tool template. |
toolconstraint |
Constraint tool template. |
toolconstraintrelation |
How to create a new relation constraint in MB |
toolgrabview3d |
Write the rendered 3D view into a file. |
toolimportexport |
Import and export different file formats. |
toolmaterial |
Affect material properties. |
toolmedia |
Media import/display tool. |
toolmirrorpose |
Tool used to mirror selected objects in the viewer. |
toolnote |
Insert notes in the scene. |
toolpath3d |
Example of FBModelPath3D, FBConstraint, FBSet. |
toolpathplot |
Plot a camera's path with models. |
toolpersistent |
Keep persistent data for a tool. |
toolphysics |
Shows basic physics manipulation using the SDK. |
toolplugs |
Tool showing the plugs events usage. |
toolpose |
Display loaded poses. |
toolscene |
Display the scene and its contents. |
toolskeleton |
Demonstration of the creation of a skeleton. |
toolstory |
Template showing how to use the FBStory classes. |
tooluidemo |
Demonstrates the different UI elements available. |
tooluserdata |
Add user data to any model. |
toolview3d |
Show the scene in a 3D view. |