The project settings in the samples *.vcproj contain the required configuration options for Visual Studio development.
How to set up Visual Studio
- Create a new project. Select a DLL project template.
- Add any sample project to the newly created workspace.
- Open the project settings for the workspace.
- Configure the new project to correspond exactly to the sample project settings.
- Delete the sample project from the workspace.
C++ plugins are made by compiling code into Dynamically Linked Libraries (DLLs) which you put in [MotionBuilder]\bin\plugins
from where they are detected and loaded at startup.
You can also define additional custom plugin paths via Settings > Preferences > SDK. You could define network directories,
for example, enabling a group of users to share a centralized repository of plugins on a file server.
- Choose a Unique Name: you must declare a library using the library declaration macro FBLibraryDeclare(LibName). LibName must be unique because this macro is used to identify the class to be created when loading an FBX file, and because
it declares global symbols. Since this unique name should not interfere with other third-party developers, we suggest that
you prefix (or suffix) it with your company name or other unique identifier. For example: FBLibraryDeclare(CustomLibraryName);
- Registering Classes: certain plugin types require classes to be registered in the MotionBuilder registry (devices, tools,
constraints, and so on.) These classes must be registered in the library declaration (FBLibraryDeclare), which includes the
FBLibraryDeclare( mylibname )
FBLibraryRegister( MyDeviceClass );
FBLibraryRegister( MyDeviceLayoutClass );
Code samples are in [MotionBuilder]\OpenRealitySDK\samples. In each sub-directory there are detailed descriptions of each plug-in, indluding how to test them.