C++ box samples are in [MotionBuilder]\OpenRealitySDK\Samples\boxes.
To see the plugins in MotionBuilder:
- Build the sample plugins.
- Choose Asset Browser > Constraints.
- Drag and drop a new relations constraint in the viewer.
- Click Plugins in the relations object browser to expand the list.
- The plugin boxes display in this list. Drag the boxes into the Relations pane to use the box in a Relations constraint.
Box samples
- box_template
Template for boxes: this plugin has no particular functionality, but is used as a template for box development.
- boxquaternion
Quaternion to Rotation conversion and versa. This plugin adds two new types of boxes enabling the conversion between Euler
rotations and Quaternions so you can connect the quaternion values to other boxes in the constraint.
- boxsineramp
Sine Ramp Source: creates a box similar to the one already available in a Relations constraint.
- boxtransport
Creates a box to control the Transport Controls. It provides input connectors to trigger timeline play action from a relations
constraint. To test this plugin: drag and drop the 'OR - Tranport Box' box in the constraints window. Play is activated when
data is connected.
- boxvector
Function: Vector to Number converter.
This simple plugin does the conversion between a single incoming value in vector format and three separate connectors with
the X, Y, and Z values of the incoming vector. It is found in the /Plugins object browser of a Relations constraint.