Send a new scene to 3ds Max


Send a new scene to 3ds Max enables you to updates the scene in MotionBuilder and send a new scene to 3ds Max.

In 3ds Max, once you establish a connection you can expand the button at the right end of the status line to reveal two other buttons. Use these buttons to update the scene in MotionBuilder or break the connection with MotionBuilder.

3ds Max buttons A. Update scene in MotionBuilder B. Break connection with MotionBuilder

To send a new scene to 3ds Max:

  1. In the Navigator window, Viewer window, or Character Controls, select the objects you want to send to 3ds Max.
  2. Select File > Send to 3ds Max > Send as New Scene.

    3ds Max starts and opens the objects sent from MotionBuilder. MotionBuilder and 3ds Max are now connected as indicated in both application status bars.

    NoteThe Update button located on MotionBuilder's status bar is equivalent to the Send to 3ds Max in the Send to 3ds Max menu. If you want to make frequent updates to your remote application, this button's convenient location will allow you to do so quickly and efficiently.
  3. Using 3ds Max, make your edits.
  4. In 3ds Max, select File > Send to MotionBuilder > Update Current Scene to send your changes back to MotionBuilder.

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