Load character animation


In the following procedure, you load the character animation you saved earlier.

  1. In the Character Controls window, select File Load Character Animation.

    Character Controls A. Load Character Animation option

  2. Navigate to select the .fbx file you saved earlier in this tutorial and click Open.

    The Load Character Animation Options dialog box appears.

  3. Choose the following settings:
    • In the Load Technique area (A), select the Plot to Control Rig option.
    • In the Control Rig area, activate the Replace Control Rig option (B).
    • In the Control Rig area, activate the Reset Control Rig’s Rotation DOF option (C).
    • In the Control Rig area, make sure the Remove Constraint Reference option is activated (D).
    • In the Character Extensions area, activate the Process Animation option (E).
    • In the Character Extensions area, activate the Copy Missing Character Extensions option (F).

      Load Character Animation Options settings

  4. Click Open.

    Mia’s animation, Control rig, and character extension are loaded onto the Gremlin character.

    Mia’s animation and Control rig loaded onto the Gremlin character

    Because Mia’s Servo arm is parented to her right shoulder FK effector, the Servo arm is attached in the same way to the Gremlin character.

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