Merging, appending, and replacing elements


You can now choose File > Merge to merge any .fbx file. You can choose to merge an .fbx, .3ds, .dae, or .obj file or assets, settings, and takes to merge with or append to the current scene, and to prepend a namespace to all objects included in the incoming file.

To merge assets from an .fbx file with the current scene:

  1. Select File > Merge from the MotionBuilder menu bar.

    The Open File dialog box appears.

    Open File dialog box

  2. Using the Open File browser, select the file containing the assets you want to merge, append, or replace and click Open.

    The Merge Options dialog box appears.

    Merge Options dialog box

    NoteYou can resize the Merge Options dialog box.

    The Merge Options dialog box consists of the following areas:

  3. Disable any elements of the file you do not want to merge with the current scene.
  4. Activate Apply Namespace if you want to prepend a namespace to objects included in the incoming file.
  5. Click Merge.

    The selected assets, settings, and takes are merged into the current scene.

    See Merge Options dialog

Merging FBX assets into the Viewer window

You can merge .fbx files by dragging them from the Asset browser into the Viewer window where a context menu appears with merging options.

FBX Merge options

The following table provides a description of the merge options.

Merge option Description
All Takes Merges the current scene with the assets, settings, and takes from the .fbx file. All assets and models are loaded with their animation.
No Animation Merges the current scene with the assets and settings from the .fbx file. All keyframe animation on assets and models are not loaded. Takes are also not loaded.
Take 001 This part of the context menu lists the takes in the .fbx file. Selecting the take name merges only keyframe animation on assets and models associated with the selected take.
Options Opens the Merge Options dialog box, letting you select the assets, settings, and takes to merge.
NoteMotionBuilder lets you merge-append any asset in your scene to the same object in your scene. However assets with a link, such as a Character constraint, do not merge-append properly to characters with existing character constraints. Use a namespace to differentiate the similar objects.

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