Add a clip


In the following procedure, you add a clip to the Character track in the Story window.

  1. Ctrl-drag and Shift-drag in an empty space beneath the Character track to zoom out and make room next to the clips.
  2. From the Tutorials folder in the Asset browser, drag the run_boom.fbx file onto an empty part of the Character track, to the right of the clips, as shown in the following figure.

    run_boom.fbx clip added to Character track

  3. Drag the clip so that it begins at frame 36.

    It should rest against the end of the second clip, as shown in the following figure.

    New clip begins at frame 36

  4. Deselect the new clip, then right-click the Character track and select Frame Start/End from the context menu.
  5. Play the animation (Ctrl-Spacebar).

    Mia runs, turns, there is a jump in the animation, then Mia is thrown forward as if propelled by an explosion.

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