Animation clips


Animation clips are clips of keyframe animation you can create, save, and reuse. You create animation clips on Animation tracks to animate models and assets.

For example, when a character throws a baseball, the baseball model arcing through the air alone can be one animation clip.

Keyframe animation A. Baseball model in the Viewer window. B. A static storyboard panel used as a template. C. Animation track for a baseball. D. The track’s Animate button is active. E. Animation clip which consists of keyframes.

The animation in the Story window can be also edited in the FCurves, Transport Controls, and Dopesheet windows when the Story window is active and when an animation track’s Animate option is active.

While you can animate almost anything with animation clips, you should use character animation clips and camera clips on Character tracks and Camera tracks to animate characters and cameras. See Character clips and Camera animation clips.

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