Mirror poses


In the following procedure, you mirror the three poses from the Pose browser to create the second half of the walk cycle. By keyframing these mirrored poses after the original poses, you complete the short walking animation.

  1. In the Pose Controls window, activate the M (Mirror) button (A) .

    Pose Controls A. Mirror activated

  2. Go to frame 12 and do the following:
    • Double-click the “Walk 01” pose (A).

      The “Walk 01” pose is pasted and mirrored onto the character (B). Because you mirror-pasted the pose, the left leg is now forward, and the right leg is behind to continue the walk cycle on the other side.

    • Press Ctrl-K to set a (Flat) keyframe.

      Frame 12 A. First pose for the second half of the walk cycle B. “Walk 01” pose pasted on Mia

  3. Go to frame 16 and do the following:
    • Double-click the “Walk 02” pose (A).

      The “Walk 02” pose is pasted and mirrored onto the character (B).

    • Press Ctrl-K to set a (Flat) keyframe.

      Frame 16 A. Second pose for the second half of the walk cycle B. “Walk 02” pose pasted on Mia

  4. Go to frame 20 and do the following:
    • Double-click the “Walk 03” pose (A).

      The “Walk 03” pose is pasted and mirrored onto the character (B).

    • Press Ctrl-K to set a (Flat) keyframe.

      Frame 20 A. Third pose for the second half of the walk cycle B.“Walk 03” pose pasted on Mia

      Your animation now consists of six keyframes. The first three keyframes were mirrored onto the left side of the character for the last three keyframes, creating a complete walking movement. To complete a full animation cycle, your take should begin and end with the same position.

  5. On the Action timeline in the Transport controls, select the keyframe at frame 0 and C-drag the keyframe to frame 24.

    The keyframe at frame 0 is copied to frame 24.

    The animation now begins and ends on the same position, creating a complete cycle.

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