- Hardware FC
Hardware Full Control. A special data transfer protocol that controls the flow of data between specific hardware devices.
- Head-up Display (HUD)
- hierarchy
An organization structure that visually describes the relationship between elements. A hierarchy looks like an inverted tree
structure, with an element at the top (referred to as a parent) and with several elements below its predecessor (referred
to as children).
See also parent and child .
- highlights
Reflections of the lights that illuminate the surface.
Three numerical values, where “H” refers to Hue, “S” refers to Saturation, and “B” refers to Brightness.
Information that is visually relayed to the user without requiring the user to look away from the usual viewpoint.
HUD (Head-up Display) takes its name from the head-up displays used in modern aircraft. The origin of HUD stems from the users
being able to view information with their heads “up” and looking forward, instead of angled down looking at lower instruments.
- hue
A specific color. For example, you can use the Hue slider in the Color window to set an object’s hue to “green”.
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