Contextual menu for selected tracks


This section describes the options found in the Story window’s contextual menu that are available when you right-click a track. See Story contextual menu and Contextual menu for selected clips for information on additional menu options.

You can also access some of these options from the Story Controls. See Story controls.

Depending on where you right-click and what is selected, the options in the contextual menu may change. For example, right-clicking in the Edit Track list shows different options than right-clicking in the Action Track list. The options that appear also change depending on which tracks or clips are selected and apply to the selection.

Insert Subtrack

Inserts a subtrack onto the track.

You can also create subtracks by dragging a track onto another track. Character tracks can only be dragged onto other Character tracks. Animation tracks can only be dragged onto Camera Animation tracks, Character tracks, and other Animation tracks.

NoteThe Insert Subtrack option appears when any track is selected.

To unparent subtracks, drag them to an empty space in the track list.

Option Behavior
Animation Override Inserts an Animation subtrack which is set to Override by default.
Animation Additive Inserts an Animation subtrack which is set to Additive by default.
Character Override Inserts a Character subtrack which is set to Override by default. This subtrack can only be the child of a Character track. The same character is automatically selected in the subtrack’s Character field.
Character Additive Inserts a Character subtrack which is set to Additive by default. This subtrack can only be the child of a Character track. The same character is automatically selected in the subtrack’s Character field.

Insert Animation/Audio/Video File

Load files as clips using the Insert <x> File option, where <x> is either Animation, Audio, or Video.

Insert Animation File Displays an Open File dialog box, which lets you load .fbx files as clips for Animation, Character, and Camera Animation tracks.
Insert Audio File Displays an Open File dialog box, which lets you load audio files for Audio tracks.
Insert Video File Displays an Open File dialog box, which lets you load video files for Video tracks.
NoteThe Insert Animation/Audio/Video File options offered depend on what type of track is selected.

Insert Current Take

Insert Current Take lets you paste keyframe animation from the take selected in the Transport Controls window to a track in the Action Track list.

You can also insert a take into the Story window by dragging it from the Scene browser. You must drag the take onto an Animation, Character, or Camera Animation track whose Animate button is active and whose track content is defined.

NoteThe Insert Current Take option appears when any track is selected.

Process Track/Subtracks to New Clip

The Process Track/Subtracks To New Clip option combines the animation of a track and its subtracks into one clip. The animation that is merged involves the selected track, all of the selected track’s subtracks, and all tracks above the selected track that have the same track content as the selected track. However, the animation of muted tracks is not merged.

NoteThe Process Track/Subtracks To New Clip option appears when any track is selected.

Import Camera Switcher From

Camera switches created with the Camera Switcher appear as keyframes in the Transport Controls window. The Import Camera Switcher From menu lets you move these camera switches from the takes in the Transport Controls window to the Story window, where they appear as camera shots on a selected Shot track in the Edit Track list.

NoteThe Import Camera Switcher From option appears only when a Shot track is selected.

Export to Camera Switcher

When a Shot track is selected, the Export to Camera Switcher menu lets you plot camera switches from a single Shot track to a take. This lets you use the camera switches in the Camera Switcher settings.

NoteThe Export to Camera Switcher From option appears only when you select a Shot track.


The Rename option lets you rename a selected track in the Story window. You can also rename selected tracks and clips in the Asset Settings window.

NoteThe Rename option appears when you select any track.