An undo/redo function has been created for almost every action in MotionBuilder.
Press Ctrl-Z to undo any of the following:
- Editing, duplicating, renaming, selecting, parenting, and animating (including transformation and key animation,) of objects.
- Applying assets to objects, for example shaders or textures
- Changing properties (even in tools that do not support the Undo function, such as the Dynamic editor)
- Constraints (except Expressions constraints)
- FCurve animation
- Shader manager
- Relations constraints
- Applying poses to characters
The following tools and actions have no Undo function:
- Characterization and Actor setup, including modification to animation using the Dynamic editor (except edits made to FCurves)
- Creating Control rigs
- Deleting a Character Extension
- Editing groups and sets
- Adding custom properties
- Expressions constraints
- Skin tool
- Face tool
- Audio tool
- Video tool
- Midi tool
- Voice device
If an action cannot be undone, a dialog box appears to warn you.