Value and Time settings


The Value and Time settings (A and B in the following figure) let you edit keyframes by adding, subtracting, or multiplying by a specific value or time for offsetting keyframe selections without changing the animation.

A. Value settings B. Time settings

The following table describes the options in the Value and Time drop-down list:

Option Description
= Reflects the actual value. This is the default option.
+ Adds the value specified in the Value or Time field.
- Subtracts the value specified in the Value or Time field.
* Multiplies the value specified in the Value field.

In the following figure, the equals (=) option is selected and 0 (zero) is in the value field. This causes the selected keyframe to appear flat, as shown in the following figure.

A. Value field reflects the selected value of curve B. Selected keyframe in the FCurves pane

In the following figure, the minus (-) option is selected and 10 is in the Value field. This causes the selected keyframe to make a negative shift from 0 to -10.

A. Negative value shown as a result of selecting “-” as the Value option B. The Selected keyframe changes to the selected value in the FCurves pane

To reset the value of the keyframe to 0, you can click the Reset icon for the Value setting.

Resetting values A. Reset icon B. Keys reset to 0