Pose contextual menus


The Pose contextual menus let you insert folders and poses, rename poses, select, expand, collapse, and deselect branches within folders.

To open the Pose contextual menus, right-click a selected pose or folder in the Pose browser. There are two different contextual menus that appear, depending on whether you right-click a pose or a folder.

Insert Folder

Lets you insert a new folder in which to place poses. The folder is placed relative to the folder where you right-click.

For example, if you right-click on the Poses folder, the new folder is placed at the end of the tree in the Pose browser. If you click on another existing folder, the new folder is added at the selected folder level.

By default, the first folder that you add is named Poses Folder, and subsequent folders are named Poses Folder 1, Poses Folder 2, and so on.

NoteThe Insert Folder option only appears in the Pose contextual menu when you right-click on a folder.


Opens or switches to the Asset browser, letting you add poses or other assets to your scene. When dragging a file with saved poses into the Pose Controls window, make sure you release the .fbx file over a folder name or existing pose. If you do not, the poses may not be added from the .fbx file. Also, the .fbx file should only contain poses.


Lets you delete one or multiple selected poses from the Pose browser. To make multiple selections, Ctrl-click poses in the Pose browser.


The Rename option lets you rename a selected pose or folder in the Pose and Scene browsers.

Add/Remove Namespace

Opens the Add/Remove Namespace dialog box, which displays all the namespaces in the current scene and enables you to you add, replace, or remove namespaces, append namespaces to current namespaces, and prepend namespaces to all objects within a branch.

This menu is available for selected pose(s).

Expand To Selection

Expands any folders containing a selected pose. Folders that are highlighted in light gray contain selected poses.

Collapse Branch

Collapses all branches in the tree, hiding the contents of folders. To collapse all branches, right-click a folder and select Collapse All.

Select and Deselect Branch

The Select Branch option lets you select all the contents in a folder. The Deselect branch option lets you deselect all the selected contents in a folder.

To select a branch, right-click the folder containing the poses you want to select, and choose Select Branch.

To deselect a branch, right-click the folder containing the poses you want to deselect, and choose Deselect branch.

Update Pose Thumbnail

Change the zoom or pan around to a different angle of your pose and click Update to change the pose thumbnail.

This menu is available for selected pose(s).