Marker List


The Label pane contains the Marker list, which is a list of all the markers used to label data segments in the current motion file. Depending on the optical capture system used to create the motion file, data segments may already be labelled as markers.

Navigate the Marker list using the Up and Down arrow keys. Shift-up and Shift-down skips between markers grouped within the same Rigid body.

The Marker list is split into two columns:

Column Description
Marker Name Shows the name of the marker. Click the marker name to select the marker in the Viewer window and show its data in the Optical editor area of the Optical settings. Double-click its name to rename the marker.
Done Activate the Done column to lock the marker from the Optical settings. Locking a marker transfers data from the segment to the assigned marker, making the data available to other MotionBuilder tools such as filtering in the FCurves window. Re-activating a marker (not-Done) after using the FCurves window regenerates the FCurves based on the Optical system. This means that FCurve edits are lost permanently. This is one way of undoing multiple filtering steps created in the FCurves window for single or multiple markers.