Camera Depth of Field settings


The Camera Depth of Field settings let you configure the camera interest for the chosen camera.

The camera depth of field is the amount of space within lens view that maintains focus at given settings, such as camera speed, film speed, lens aperture, and so on. In MotionBuilder, it refers to a method of blurring the view depending on either the camera’s focal point or a specific distance from the camera.

Use Depth of Field option

Activate the Use Depth of Field option to enable the Depth of Field options for the current camera.

The Depth of Field settings are a method of blurring the current camera view based on either the camera’s focal point or a specified distance from the camera.

When disabled, Depth of field is not applied.

Focus Distance Source menu

Use the Focus Distance Source menu to select the focal point for the depth of field.

Focus distance is the distance between the camera and the object on which the camera is focused.

There are two possible sources:

Source Function
Camera interest Bases the depth of field on the camera interest. Models at the camera interest are in focus. As you move toward or away from the camera interest, models become increasingly blurred.
Specific Distance Bases the depth of field on a point defined by a specific distance from the camera interest.

Specific Distance

Enter a value in the Specific Distance field to define an alternative point other than the camera interest.

NoteThis field is activated only when Specific Distance is selected as the Focus distance source.

Focus Angle field

Use the Focus Angle field to specify the angle of the focus or blur. Increasing the angle value decreases the depth of field, and increases the amount of blur.

Decreasing the focus angle increases the depth of field, and decreases the amount of blur.

Use Motion Blur option

Activate the Use Motion Blur option to create a motion blur effect for the selected camera.

Enable Real Time option

Activate the Enable Real Time option to view the Motion Blur effects in real time. If this option is disabled, the blur effect is visible only when rendered.

For better results, disable Enable Real Time, as the render time motion blur calculation is more precise.

Intensity (In Frames) slider

Use the Intensity slider to set a value for the duration, in frames, that the Motion blur effect lasts. Set a frame number for a stronger blur effect and a low frame value for a subtle blur.