Python Editor keyboard shortcuts


The following table lists the Python Editor keyboard shortcuts.

Keyboard Shortcut Command Description
Ctrl+T Create work area. Creates a tab in the work area of the Python Editor for the new script.
Ctrl+O Load script. Loads the selected script in the Python Editor work area.
Ctrl+- Close script. Closes the active script in the Python Editor work area.
Ctrl+S Save active script. Saves the active script.
Ctrl+F2 Save new active script. Saves the new active script.
F5 Execute active script. Executes code or a script, depending on whether a code is highlighted. If nothing is highlighted, it executes the active script in the Python Editor work area.
Ctrl+= Add active script to scene. Adds the active script to the scene. See the scene browser Scripts directory.
F10 Display Python Tool Manager. Displays the Python Tool Manager.
F1 Trigger Python Editor contextual help. Displays help related to current action.
Ctrl+F Find code. Finds the term specified in the interactive console’s text field.
NoteThe search area is defined by the Search button toggle option (, , or ).
F3 Find subsequent code. Finds the next instance of the term specified in the interactive console’s text field. Note: You need to first do a search (Ctrl+F).
Ctrl+H Find and replace code. Displays the Search and Replace dialog where you can either choose to find or find and replace text in the active script.
Ctrl+G Go to line. Activates the interactive console text field where you enter the line number you want to go to in the active script.
Alt+N Go to next command. In the interactive console, traverses history by entering the first command.
Alt+P Go to previous command. In the interactive console, traverses history by entering the previous command.
Tab Indent text block. Indents code block to be entered in the active script.
Alt+C Comment selected code. Comments selected code in the active script.
Alt+U Uncomment selected code. Uncomments selected code in the active script.
Ctrl+Space Auto-complete entry. Auto-completes the instantiated class.