Before using the Deck settings, you should be aware of the following limitations:
- Only one deck can be controlled at a time.
- Only Sony 9-Pin compatible VTRs are supported.
- The VTR does not cue at a negative timecode. The minimum timecode allowed is 00:00:00.00.
- The maximum end point for recording is 23:59:59:01.
- Tape must be striped with CONTINUOUS timecode.
- The VTR can be in slave mode or independent.
- MotionBuilder cannot drive the VTR unless the VTR is set to Remote Control mode.
- MotionBuilder does not wait for the VTR to complete cueing. You must wait for cue commands to complete before sending other commands. If
you do not wait for the VTR to cue, sync errors between the VTR and MotionBuilder occur.
- VTR pre-roll and latency is not taken into account when cueing at a specific timecode. The VTR cues at the same timecode as
MotionBuilder, not at the timecode minus pre-roll and latency. Latency is always taken into account.
- The RS-422 protocol is a common serial port protocol. If your VTR uses the RS-422 protocol and your computer has an RS-232
port, use an RS-232 to RS-422 converter.