Using marks


You can set marks on the Action timeline in the Transport Controls to indicate areas for filtering, blending, duplicating, or looping.

To set a mark:

  1. Right-click on the Action timeline in the Transport Controls.
  2. Select Add Mark from the Time options in the contextual menu.

To move a mark:

  1. Double-click the mark to open the Mark dialog box.
  2. Enter a frame number in the Timecode field.

    Mark dialog box A. Timecode field

  3. Click OK.

    The mark moves to the frame you specify. You can also drag the mark left or right along the Action timeline.

To create a loop between marks:

  1. Double-click the mark to open the Mark dialog box.
  2. Activate the Loop option and click OK.

    Mark dialog box A. Loop option

  3. Play the animation. The take loops from the beginning of the take to the current mark. If there is a previous mark, the take loops between the current and previous mark.

To name a mark:

  1. Double-click the mark to open the Mark dialog box.
  2. Type in the Name field to assign a name.

    Mark dialog box A. Name field

  3. Click Ok to confirm the name.