Fingers Floor Contact Setup properties


In the Character Settings pane, the options within the Floor Contacts > Fingers Floor Contact Setup folder let you adjust how fingers make contact with the floor.

Fingers Floor Contact Mode

Lets you choose the behavior of the fingers as they contact the floor. There are three behaviors you can choose from:

Option Behavior
Sticky Each finger sticks to the floor exactly where contact is made.
Spread Spreads the fingers as they make contact with the floor, attempting to keep the position of the fingers intact. Rotation is applied to the root of each finger.
Sticky & Spread Averages the finger behavior between Sticky and Spread.

Fingers Contact Roll Stiffness

Corrects unnatural finger rotation when finger floor markers contact the floor. At 100%, Fingers Contact Roll Stiffness attempts to prevent the fingers from rotating in unnatural directions.

Finger Tips Sizes

Adjust the size of each of the floor markers used to outline the finger tips for both the left and right hands.

Finger Tips Sizes group of properties