Prepare the scene


In the following procedure, you prepare the MotionBuilder scene and open the file needed to start this tutorial.

To prepare the scene:

  1. From the menu bar, select File > New, then select Layout > Editing.

    MotionBuilder displays a new 3D scene using the Editing layout. This layout displays all the windows you need for your work in this tutorial.

  2. Click the Tutorials folder in the Asset browser.
  3. Drag the mia_rigged asset (mia_rigged.fbx file) from the Asset browser into the Viewer window, then select FBX Open > <No Animation> from the contextual menu as shown in the following figure.

    Characterized Mia appears in the Viewer window

    The characterized Mia appears in the Viewer window in the T-stance.

  4. From the Asset browser drag the servo asset (servo.fbx file) into the scene and select FBX Merge > <No animation> from the contextual menu.

    A Servo arm is loaded into the scene, positioned over Mia’s shoulder. In the next procedure, you attach this arm to Mia as another limb.

    Mia and Servo arm loaded into the scene

  5. Choose File > Save As.

    The Save File window appears.

  6. Navigate to a directory other than the default MotionBuilderTutorials directory where you want to save the file and click Save.

    The Save Options dialog box appears.

  7. Click Save.

    Choosing to save the file to a directory other than the default MotionBuilderTutorials directory ensures you do not overwrite the original .fbx file.