Pull properties


In the Character Settings, the Pull group of properties let you determine the extent to which certain body parts are affected when other parts of the body are moved. For example, in the Left Arm group of Pull properties, you can adjust the Left Hand Pull Chest slider to adjust the amount that moving the left hand pulls the chest of the character.

These properties are identical to the Pull sliders found in the Character Controls window, with one exception. The “Extra” folder in the Pull group of properties includes the Pull Iteration Count option. The Pull Iteration Count can be animated, and it lets you set the number of times Pull is calculated. The greater the number of iterations, the more accurate the Pull calculation. However, a higher number of iterations may decrease system performance. By default, the Pull Iteration Count is set to 10.

NoteWhen your input source is a Control rig and Full Body or Body Part keying mode is selected, Pull values are ignored during character manipulation. Pull settings are only observed when you play your animation. To view the effects of Pull while manipulating your character, disable Reach Override in the Character Controls window.