Creating a Relations constraint

To create a Relations constraint:

  1. Drag the Relations constraint asset into the Viewer window from the Asset browser.

    The Navigator window displays the Constraint settings, and the constraint is added to the Scene browser.

    A new folder named “Constraints” appears in the Scene browser, with the new folder named Relations added, and the Navigator window displays the Relations Constraint settings.

  2. Drag operators into the Relations pane from the Object browser.

    You can also Alt-drag materials, objects, and devices from the Scene browser or models from the Viewer window into the Relations pane.

  3. Connect the Relations boxes together by clicking the arrow at one end of a constraint box and then clicking another arrow on a constraint box.

    If a converter is needed in order to correctly join the constraint, it is added automatically.

  4. Keep dragging boxes into the Relations pane and connecting then until you have the constraint you want.
  5. Click Active to activate the constraint.