Establishing a Zero Point

Before creating a Marker set, you must establish a zero point for your Actor, which is the stance where both translation and rotation are set to zero. By default, the Actor settings use the T-stance as the zero point. All subsequent movements are based on this zero point.

If your capture session does not begin with a T-stance, the Actor’s limbs must be rotated to meet the starting location of the motion capture markers or sensors.

Before rotating the Actor, you should translate it to occupy the same space as the sensors. This makes it easier to match the markers.

Even if you started the capture session with your performer in a T-stance, you should reposition and scale the Actor to the sensors before you create the Marker set.


When transforming the Actor to match its sensors, you do not have to be precise. You can add additional offsets to compensate for poor placement later in the mapping process.

After you activate the Actor’s Marker set, you may also have to adjust the position, rotation, or scale of the Actor’s arms, legs, torso, chest, or head.

You can adjust your Actor using the Actor Controls window (see Actor Controls window).