
Submodels are the smaller parts that make up a character’s head model. For example, you might create separate submodels of a character’s teeth or tongue.

Sub-models for the upper teeth, lower teeth, and tongue

If your character’s head is made up of more than one model, you need different shapes for each submodel affected by each expression.

For example, if you have a head model with separate teeth and tongue submodels, when you create a “Mouth Open” shape, then you need to create separate “Mouth Open” shapes for the teeth, tongue, and any other submodel that is part of the “Mouth Open” expression.

Even if you do not need to modify a submodel for a specific expression, you should still create an independent shape. This allows consistent shape numbering for all of the submodels that compose the face. For example, if the teeth are the same for the default shape and the “AA” phoneme shape, you should duplicate the default teeth shape for the “AA” phoneme.