Adding and removing group objects

You can add objects to existing groups, which will help you keep your scene organized.

To add an object to a group:

  1. Select a group in the Groups list.
  2. Select the objects you want to add to that set from the Viewer window.
  3. Click Update to save the new objects to the group.

To remove a single object from a group:

  1. Select the object to be disassociated from its group in the Groups folder of the Scene browser.
  2. Right-click the object and select Detach x From y Group in the contextual menu, where x is the name of the object and y is the name of the group to which it belongs.

    The object is no longer associated with the group.

To remove multiple objects from a group:

  1. Select a group in the Groups list.

    The objects in the group are selected in the Viewer window.

  2. Deselect (Ctrl-click) the objects you want to remove in the Viewer window.
  3. Click Update in the Groups window to save the changes to your group.