Angle settings

The Angle settings let you edit the angles of function curves using degrees. The angle of left and right tangents are unaffected by previous and next keyframes when tangents are edited and become fixed.

A. Fixed interpolation selected B. Selected keyframe’s tangent shown to be offset by 20 degrees

The Angle settings consist of fields, Reset buttons, and a Link button.

Angle settings A. Angle for left tangent B. Reset left tangent C. Link option D. Reset right tangent E. Angle for right tangent

Angle (Ang) fields

Let you change the angle of the tangents for a selected keyframe to specific degrees. The Angle field on the left affects the left tangent, and the Angle field on the right affects the right tangent. The values of these fields depend on whether Visual or Exact is selected in the Tangent menu.

The angle of a selected keyframe’s left and right tangents are not affected by neighboring keyframes. Instead, the values in the Angle fields are negative or positive in relation to the selected keyframe, as if the keyframe is at coordinates (0, 0) on a Cartesian plane.

When a tangent is set to 0, it is flat and displays horizontally. When a tangent is set to a positive number, the tangent angle points upwards from the selected keyframe. When a tangent is set to a negative degree, the tangent angle points downwards from the selected keyframe.


Let you reset the Angle values for the right and left tangents of a selected keyframe to zero (B and D in the figure above). Tangents set to zero are flat, and display horizontally.


When the Link option next to the Angle fields is active, you can modify the angle of both left and right tangents at the same time, whether or not the tangents are broken or unbroken.

When the Break option is active (Break option), you can modify the angle of each tangent separately when the Link option is disabled, or by dragging a tangent handle.