View menu

The View menu lets you select the custom views you create.

When there are no custom views, the Default (Type) view displays. You can also select the All (Type) view, which includes additional properties of the selected object. When a Character is selected, you can select a number of views specific to Characters, as well as the All (Type) view.

The View menu has a View Lock button that lets you lock the currently selected view. When the Lock View button is activated, the properties for all selected objects display using the locked view, if it is applicable for the selected object. When the Lock View button is disabled, the views change as you select different objects, depending on the last view selected for the object.

For example, if you select a cube and view its properties in the TRS (Type) view, then activate the View Lock button and select a light, the light's properties also display in the TRS (Type) view.