Animating generic channels

To animate generic channels:

  1. In the Channels pane of the Actor Settings, enable the Animate (A) option next to the channels you want to animate.

    When the Animate (A) option is enabled, the channel can be keyframed and used within a constraint.

    Actor Settings, Channels pane A. Keyframe (K) button B. Channel slider C. Value field D. Animate (A) option

  2. Change the value of the channel using the slider or value field. To display the full effect of a channel, drag its channel slider fully to the right.

    The maximum value of a channel slider is 100%, but you can use values higher than 100 and lower than 0 in the value field.

    A. Channel at 100% B. Value field at 120.

  3. Set a keyframe by clicking the Key (K) button next to the selected channel, or clicking Key in the Key Controls window.