
// ==========================================================================
// Copyright 1995,2006,2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
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// ==========================================================================

// MEL Command: nodeCreatedCB
// Description:
//      A simple plugin to register a mel proc to be called whenever a node is 
//      created. Registered Mel procedures should be declared to take a single
//      string argument (the name of the added node).
//      Warning: mel procedures registered with this method will be called 
//               whenever a node is added to the DG. This may cause problems
//               in certain cases. For example: each time a reference is 
//               reloaded, each of its nodes is re-added to the DG.
// Flags:
//      -register/-r string: registers a mel callback. There is no limit
//                           to the number of callbacks that can be registered.
//      -unregister/-u string: unregister the specified callback.
//      -filter/-f string: by default all registered callbacks will be called
//                         whenever any node is created. Using the filter flag
//                         you can indicate that callbacks should only be
//                         called when certain node types are created.
//                         To determine the type of a particular node see the
//                         'objectType' and 'nodeType' commands.
//                         Note: only one filter can be in affect at a time,
//                         and it will be applied to all registered callbacks.
//      -fullDagPath/-fdp: if this flag is specified when registering a 
//                         callback, any dag node names passed into the mel
//                         procedure will include the full dag path.
// Note:
//      The -register, -unregister, and -filter flags are mutually exclusive, 
//      only one should be used per command invocation.
// Important:
//      Do not delete the node in your callback.
// Example Usage:
// // Appends the suffix '_ply' to all created mesh nodes
// //
// global proc myCB( string $node )
// {
//      print("calling polyCB " + $node + "\n");
//      string $type = `objectType $node`;
//      if ( $type == "mesh" ) {
//          rename $node ($node+"_ply");
//      }   
// }
// nodeCreatedCB -register "myCB";
#include <nodeCreatedCBCmd.h>
#include <maya/MFnPlugin.h>
#include <maya/MObject.h>
#include <maya/MFnDependencyNode.h>
#include <maya/MFnDagNode.h>
#include <maya/MDGMessage.h>
#include <maya/MArgDatabase.h>
#include <maya/MSyntax.h>
#include <maya/MGlobal.h>

#define kRegisterFlagLong       "-register"
#define kRegisterFlag           "-r"
#define kUnregisterFlagLong     "-unregister"
#define kUnregisterFlag         "-u"
#define kFilterFlagLong         "-filter"
#define kFilterFlag             "-f"
#define kFullDagPathFlagLong    "-fullDagPath"
#define kFullDagPathFlag        "-fdp"

// The id of the API callback. The API callback must be removed when this
// plug-in is unloaded.
MCallbackId     nodeCreatedCB::sId;
// The array of all registered Mel procedures.
MStringArray    nodeCreatedCB::sMelProcs;
// Flags to indicate whether or not a mel procedure should be passed the
// short or long names of dag nodes.
MIntArray       nodeCreatedCB::sFullDagPath;

MStatus nodeCreatedCB::doIt( const MArgList& args )
//  Description:
//      implements the MEL nodeCreatedCB command.
    MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess;

    MArgDatabase argData( syntax(), args );

    // Parse command flags.
    if ( argData.isFlagSet( kRegisterFlag ) ) {
        // Register a new procedure.
        MString proc;
        argData.getFlagArgument( kRegisterFlag, 0, proc );
        stat = registerMelProc( proc, argData.isFlagSet( kFullDagPathFlag ) );
    } else if ( argData.isFlagSet( kUnregisterFlag ) ) {
        // Unregister a procedure.
        MString proc;
        argData.getFlagArgument( kUnregisterFlag, 0, proc );
        stat = unregisterMelProc( proc );
    } else if ( argData.isFlagSet( kFilterFlag ) ) {
        // Change the filter being applied.
        MString filter;
        argData.getFlagArgument( kFilterFlag, 0, filter );
        stat = changeFilter( filter );
    if ( stat.error() ) {
        MGlobal::displayError( stat.errorString() );

    return stat;

MStatus nodeCreatedCB::registerMelProc( MString melProc, bool fullDagPath )
// Register a Mel procedure to be called whenever a node is added.
    MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess;
    if ( melProc.length() == 0 ) {
        // Basic error checking. An empty string is not a valid mel procedure
        // name
        stat = MS::kFailure;
        stat.perror("invalid mel callback: " + melProc);
        return stat;
    nodeCreatedCB::sMelProcs.append( melProc );
    nodeCreatedCB::sFullDagPath.append( fullDagPath );
    return stat;

MStatus nodeCreatedCB::unregisterMelProc( MString melProc )
// Unregister a Mel procedure.
    MStatus stat = MS::kFailure;
    int numProcs = nodeCreatedCB::sMelProcs.length();
    for ( int i = 0; i < numProcs; i++ ) {
        // Search the array of registered callbacks for melProc and
        // remove it. If melProc exists more than once, only one instance
        // of it will be removed.
        if ( nodeCreatedCB::sMelProcs[i] == melProc ) {
            stat = MS::kSuccess;

    if ( !stat ) {
        // Report an error if melProc was not found.
        stat.perror(melProc + " is not a registered callback.");

    return stat;

MStatus nodeCreatedCB::changeFilter( MString filter )
// Change the node type filter.
    MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess;
    // We don't want to add sCallbackFunc more than once as that will cause
    // all registered Mel procs to be called multiple times. So we first
    // remove, then re-add the callback.
    MDGMessage::removeCallback( nodeCreatedCB::sId );
    nodeCreatedCB::sId = MDGMessage::addNodeAddedCallback( nodeCreatedCB::sCallbackFunc, filter );
    return stat;

void nodeCreatedCB::sCallbackFunc( MObject& node, void* clientData )
// The API callback called whenever a node is added. This function handles
// calling all registered MEL callbacks and passing them the appropriate
// node name argument.
    int numProcs = nodeCreatedCB::sMelProcs.length();
    for ( int i = 0; i < numProcs; i++ ) {
        MString melCmd = nodeCreatedCB::sMelProcs[i];
        MString nodeName;
        if ( nodeCreatedCB::sFullDagPath[i] && 
             node.hasFn( MFn::kDagNode ) ) {
            MFnDagNode dagObj( node );
            nodeName = dagObj.fullPathName();
        } else {
            MFnDependencyNode dn( node );
            nodeName =;
        melCmd += " \"" + nodeName + "\"";
        MGlobal::executeCommand( melCmd );

MSyntax nodeCreatedCB::newSyntax()
// Create the syntax object for the nodeCreateCB command.
    MSyntax syntax;

    syntax.addFlag( kRegisterFlag, kRegisterFlagLong, MSyntax::kString );
    syntax.addFlag( kUnregisterFlag, kUnregisterFlagLong, MSyntax::kString );
    syntax.addFlag( kFilterFlag, kFilterFlagLong, MSyntax::kString );
    syntax.addFlag( kFullDagPathFlag, kFullDagPathFlagLong );

    return syntax;
void* nodeCreatedCB::creator()                                      
    return new nodeCreatedCB;                                       
MStatus initializePlugin( MObject obj )                     
    MFnPlugin   plugin( obj, PLUGIN_COMPANY, "6.0" );               
    MStatus     stat;                                           
    stat = plugin.registerCommand( "nodeCreatedCB",                 
                                    nodeCreatedCB::newSyntax );     
    if ( !stat )                                                
    // add the API callback.
    nodeCreatedCB::sId = MDGMessage::addNodeAddedCallback( nodeCreatedCB::sCallbackFunc );

    return stat;                                                
MStatus uninitializePlugin( MObject obj )                       
    MFnPlugin   plugin( obj );                                  
    MStatus     stat;                                           
    stat = plugin.deregisterCommand( "nodeCreatedCB" );             
    if ( !stat )                                                

    // Remove the API callback, necessary to prevent crashes.
    MDGMessage::removeCallback( nodeCreatedCB::sId );

    return stat;                                                