Public Member Functions

MStringResourceId Class Reference

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Detailed Description

Unique identifier for an MString Resource.

The MStringResourceId class implements a string lookup key to be used in conjunction with the MStringResource class to retrieve strings from externally defined string resource values.

#include <MStringResourceId.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

  MStringResourceId ()
  The Class constructor.
  MStringResourceId (const char *pluginId, const char *keyString, const MString &defaultValue)
  Class constructor.
  MStringResourceId (const MStringResourceId &)
  Copy constructor.
MStringResourceId operator= (const MStringResourceId &)
  Assignment operator.
bool  operator!= (const MStringResourceId &) const
  Inequality operator.
bool  operator== (const MStringResourceId &) const
  Equality operator.
  ~MStringResourceId ()
  The class destructor.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

The Class constructor.

Initializes the new MStringResourceId instance to the empty string. This constructor will not be used in practice.

MStringResourceId ( const char *  pluginId,
const char *  keyString,
const MString defaultValue 

Class constructor.

Create a new instance of an MStringResourceId. This object can then be used to register and retrieve MStringResource's.

The unique resource key is formed from a pair of strings: the name of the plugin the string is associated with and a unique Id for this particular string. The resourceId also contains the string's default value.

[in] pluginId the name of this plugin
[in] keyString the unique string Id (within this plugin)
[in] defaultValue the default value for the string resource
MStringResourceId ( const MStringResourceId other )

Copy constructor.

Create a new MStringResourceId instance by copying another.

[in] other the MStringResourceId to copy from.

Member Function Documentation

MStringResourceId & operator= ( const MStringResourceId other )

Assignment operator.

Allows assignment between MStringResourceId instances.

bool operator!= ( const MStringResourceId other ) const

Inequality operator.

Allows 2 MStringResourceIds to be compared to see if they differ.

bool operator== ( const MStringResourceId other ) const

Equality operator.

Allows 2 MStringResourceIds to be compared to see if they contain identical values.

MStringResourceId MStringResourceId MStringResourceId MStringResourceId MStringResourceId MStringResourceId MStringResourceId MStringResourceId MStringResourceId MStringResourceId
MStringResourceId MStringResourceId MStringResourceId MStringResourceId MStringResourceId MStringResourceId MStringResourceId MStringResourceId MStringResourceId MStringResourceId