Static Public Member Functions

MStreamUtils Class Reference

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Detailed Description

Stream functionality.

This class provides some standard stream functionality for developers working in C++ or script. Write methods are provided for writing to ASCII or binary. Read methods are only binary.

#include <MStreamUtils.h>

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

static std::ostream &  stdErrorStream ()
  This method returns the cerr ostream.
static std::ostream &  stdOutStream ()
  This method returns the cout ostream.
static MStatus  writeChar (std::ostream &out, const char value, bool binary=false)
  This method is used to write out a "char" value to an ostream.
static MStatus  writeCharBuffer (std::ostream &out, const char *value, bool binary=false)
  This method is used to write out a mull-terminated string (const char*) to an ostream.
static MStatus  writeInt (std::ostream &out, const int value, bool binary=false)
  This method is used to write out a "int" value to an ostream.
static MStatus  writeFloat (std::ostream &out, const float value, bool binary=false)
  This method is used to write out a "float" value to an ostream.
static MStatus  writeDouble (std::ostream &out, const double value, bool binary=false)
  This method is used to write out a "double" value to an ostream.
static MStatus  readChar (std::istream &in, char &value, bool binary=false)
  This method is used to read a "char" binary value from an istream.
static MStatus  readCharBuffer (std::istream &in, char *&value, unsigned int length, bool binary=false)
  This method is used to read a character string (char*) from an istream.
static MStatus  readInt (std::istream &in, int &value, bool binary=false)
  This method is used to read a "int" binary value from an istream.
static MStatus  readFloat (std::istream &in, float &value, bool binary=false)
  This method is used to read a "float" binary value from an istream.
static MStatus  readDouble (std::istream &in, double &value, bool binary=false)
  This method is used to read a "double" binary value from an istream.

Member Function Documentation

MStatus writeChar ( std::ostream &  out,
const char  value,
bool  binary = false 
) [static]

This method is used to write out a "char" value to an ostream.

[in] out the output ostream
[in] value value to write out
[in] binary If true, the byte(s) of value are written out. If false, the string representation is written out.
MStatus writeCharBuffer ( std::ostream &  out,
const char *  value,
bool  binary = false 
) [static]

This method is used to write out a mull-terminated string (const char*) to an ostream.

[in] out the output ostream
[in] value string to write out
[in] binary If true, the byte(s) of the value string are written out. If false, the string representation is written out.
MStatus writeInt ( std::ostream &  out,
const int  value,
bool  binary = false 
) [static]

This method is used to write out a "int" value to an ostream.

[in] out the output ostream
[in] value value to write out
[in] binary If true, the byte(s) of value are written out. If false, the string representation is written out.
MStatus writeFloat ( std::ostream &  out,
const float  value,
bool  binary = false 
) [static]

This method is used to write out a "float" value to an ostream.

[in] out the output ostream
[in] value value to write out
[in] binary If true, the byte(s) of value are written out. If false, the string representation is written out.
MStatus writeDouble ( std::ostream &  out,
const double  value,
bool  binary = false 
) [static]

This method is used to write out a "double" value to an ostream.

[in] out the output ostream
[in] value value to write out
[in] binary If true, the byte(s) of value are written out. If false, the string representation is written out.
MStatus readChar ( std::istream &  in,
char &  value,
bool  binary = false 
) [static]

This method is used to read a "char" binary value from an istream.

[in] in the input istream
[out] value where the input is stored
[in] binary if true the value appears in the input stream in binary form, otherwise it is in string form
MStatus readCharBuffer ( std::istream &  in,
char *&  value,
unsigned int  length,
bool  binary = false 
) [static]

This method is used to read a character string (char*) from an istream.

[in] in the input istream
[out] value where the input is stored
[in] length number of characters to read
[in] binary if true the value appears in the input stream in binary form, otherwise it is in string form
MStatus readInt ( std::istream &  in,
int &  value,
bool  binary = false 
) [static]

This method is used to read a "int" binary value from an istream.

[in] in the input istream
[out] value where the input is stored
[in] binary if true the value appears in the input stream in binary form, otherwise it is in string form
MStatus readFloat ( std::istream &  in,
float &  value,
bool  binary = false 
) [static]

This method is used to read a "float" binary value from an istream.

[in] in the input istream
[out] value where the input is stored
[in] binary if true the value appears in the input stream in binary form, otherwise it is in string form
MStatus readDouble ( std::istream &  in,
double &  value,
bool  binary = false 
) [static]

This method is used to read a "double" binary value from an istream.

[in] in the input istream
[out] value where the input is stored
[in] binary if true the value appears in the input stream in binary form, otherwise it is in string form

MStreamUtils MStreamUtils MStreamUtils MStreamUtils MStreamUtils MStreamUtils MStreamUtils MStreamUtils MStreamUtils MStreamUtils
MStreamUtils MStreamUtils MStreamUtils MStreamUtils MStreamUtils MStreamUtils MStreamUtils MStreamUtils MStreamUtils MStreamUtils